
You’ve gotta love a good photo op 6

Objects in the mirror may not be what they appear to be. It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and also that the camera doesn’t lie. Although pictures can be worth many words, they won’t necessarily be the same words to everyone. More importantly a picture can easily be manipulated to express radically different words than what actually happened. The story told by a photo can and often does have no relationship to the event that was captured. For a prime example of why should always question everything you see and hear, especially when it comes from a politician check out these photos and more from DailyKos.

Here is the image that the mainstream media wants you to seeshrub lays a wreath
Here is the wider image of the same scene

Go see the page for more angles and other images.

A dose of relief

I don’t watch TV news anymore except for the only ones that actually expose the truth like the Daily Show and Colbert Report. I also don’t get the newspaper anymore. I do read news online, from various sources. I also know that I am probably in the minority on this in the population as a whole, although maybe not among readers of this page. So if you are still being inundated by the crap from the mainstream media, I have just the thing for you. For some time now America’s Finest News Source, The Onion has been producing a daily news podcast. It is short, only 45-60 seconds typically. It is however one of the finest news broadcasts in the world. The Onion Radio News is hosted by the great Doyle Redland is far more informative than anything you will ever hear on Fox News. I urge all thinking humans to immediately go to the site and subscribe. If you only listen to one podcast, then you should listen two of them, The Onion Radio News and the MewzikCast. Your sanity depends on it. The brilliant journalistic minds of The Onion have triumphed again!