
Orwell as warning or instruction manual? 4

I’m listening to a Radio Open Source program about George Orwell as I write this. Listening to the discussion of Orwell’s writing, particularly 1984, a thought struck me. One way of looking at 1984 is as a prophetic warning, a sort of literary Paul Revere. I think that was Orwell’s intent with the book. I believe that he may have seen the tale as what can happen to our world if we don’t pay attention. Another way that a reader could potentially view the book is as an instruction manual. I can imagine Karl Rove reading this book, and leaning back in his chair as a light bulb goes on over his head. “Aha! So this is my path to perpetual power!” thinks the turd blossom. The one distinct difference that Rove brought was in the nature of the newspeak. Traditionally doublespeak is thought of as euphemisms, fancy words with meanings contrary to what they really mean. In Rove’s world, the fancy language was replaced by “plain speaking” language. The true meaning is just as opposite however. Think of “clear skies” and “healthy forests”. One of the guests noted the danger of this. When language is used people see this as a red flag and check closer to see if they are being bamboozled. When someone like shrub “speaks plainly” listeners are lulled into complacency and don’t look past those plain words to the actions going on in the background. Just because someone uses plain language it doesn’t necessarily mean what it seems to say.

The truth about the Bush economy.

You may be “shocked” to hear this but George W. Bush and his administration have lied almost continuously about the state of the US economy since they came to power 5 years ago. As Paul Krugman has been saying consistently, the stats put out the bureau of labor statistics have been at best misleading if not downright bullshit. Well the bls has now published revised statistics about the job market for the period January 2001 to January 2006. Over at smirkingchimp.com Paul Craig Roberts has posted a scathing indictment of the bush economy titled Nuking the economy. Here is a small sample:

No sane economist can possibly maintain that a deplorable record of merely 1,054,000 net new private sector jobs over five years is an indication of a healthy economy. The total number of private sector jobs created over the five year period is 500,000 jobs less than one year’s legal and illegal immigration! (In a December 2005 Center for Immigration Studies report based on the Census Bureau’s March 2005 Current Population Survey, Steven Camarota writes that there were 7,9 million new immigrants between January 2000 and March 2005.)

Just so you don’t think he is some lefty liberal like Krugman, here is his bio from the bottom of the article:

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

Go over and read the article, it is not that long and worth the read. If you are having trouble telling when Bush is lying about something, just remember, his lips will be moving.


According to Websters:

One entry found for sedition.
Main Entry: se·di·tion
Pronunciation: si-‘di-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin sedition-, seditio, literally, separation, from se- apart + ition-, itio act of going, from ire to go — more at SECEDE, ISSUE
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

The first amendment to the US Constitution:

Amendment I – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

The concept of sedition is completely incompatible with the First Amendment to the US Constitution. If someone cannot complain out loud about the policies of the government, and advocate changing those policies than the constitution has no meaning whatsoever. The true threat to American freedom comes not terrorists, but from those who want to vacate the constitution. Indeed acts of terror are a threat to life and limb. However, if we refuse to sacrifice our freedom, we can still combat criminal acts of violence which is what terrorism amounts to. If we allow corrupt politicians to vacate the constitution in the name of security and co-opt specific religious views in the name of benefiting their rich cronies, it is not the terrorists who have won, it is the powerful rich elites of this country who will end up enslaving us.

Words are indeed powerful, but words in and of themselves do not cause a drop of blood to be spilled. Only someone who acts upon the words is responsible. A person cannot control the events around them, they can only control their response. If a person acts in a foolish or violent manner based on words alone, that person needs to be held accountable for their acts. Banning the words only leads to that inexorable slide into tyranny. I don’t like hate speech but I will always be the first person to defend someone’s right to say stupid shit. Any politician who says that law of the land, does not apply to them, should be held accountable in an appropriate manner when they violate that law and the rights of Americans. A nurse who writes a letter to a newspaper has done nothing wrong by that act and is only exercising her constitutional rights. The only acts of treason that I have seen are being directed from Washington.

According to Webster’s dictionary


Main Entry: ty·rant
Pronunciation: ‘tI-r&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tirant, from Old French tyran, tyrant, from Latin tyrannus, from Greek tyrannos
1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution b : a usurper of sovereignty

Sound like anybody we know?

What a Dumbass 2

I just spotted this on Om Malik’s blog. So Shrub is putting forth a budget plan for the coming fiscal year that includes $2,770,000,000.00 (that’s almost 2.8 trillion) in spending. That is almost $400,000,000.00 more than he proposes to take in in revenues. He has come up with a brilliant way of trying to make up some of that deficit. He wants to tax unlicensed spectrum. For those who don’t know most radio spectrum is licensed so that you have to have a license from the fcc to broadcast on those frequencies. Radio and TV stations and cellular phone companies all have licenses to broadcast on the frequencies they use. The cellular companies have to pay for their frequencies. There are certain frequency bands that are set aside as unlicensed spectrum for use by lower power devices. The most common of these are 900 MHz and 2.4 and 5.8 GHz. These frequencies are used by devices like cordless phones, garage door openers, microwave ovens and in recent years wireless networking gear. Devices that operate at these frequencies are not required to be licensed by the fcc and users don’t have to pay any fees to use them other than buying the gear in the first place. But now shrub wants to tax unlicensed spectrum. How that would be implemented is not clear, but it just seems like a really bad idea. What are they going to do, tack extra fees on wifi gear and cordless phones? or are they going to cruise around sniffing for unlicensed frequencies and then knocking on doors with invoices for taxes?

Quote of the day 2

Charlie Rangel Democratic congressman from New York was interviewed on New York public tv and had this to say about shrub:

“Well,” Rangel said. “I really think that he shatters the myth of white supremacy once and for all; it shows that, in this great country, anybody can become president.”

Who’s reading this blog? 4

So I was checking the logs to see where readers of this blog are coming from. The stats plug-in I use for wordpress records stuff like how many hits I get, where they are coming from if following links from other sites, what google and yahoo search terms readers are using to find this site and other stuff. On of the things it records is the ip address of computers that are coming here. The stats page has links to whois for each ip address, so you can see who owns the address. Most of them show comcast or sbc or some other huge isp. Occasionally I will find something interesting though. Like today I found the following ip reading my post on filibustering Sam Alito.

Search results for:

OrgName: U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
StateProv: DC
PostalCode: 20510

Interestingly (or not, who knows) whoever came here from the US Senate Sergeant at Arms office was also using Firefox.

Just when you think you’re out… 2

…They pull you back in! I was just talking to one of my colleagues here in the office. Over the weekend he was talking to his cousin who has been out the military for nine years. He just got notice from the defense department that he is being reactivated. He will have two weeks of training to get back in shape, and then another two weeks to learn his new responsibilities. Then he gets shipped out to Iraq. Two weeks to learn what to do there! No wonder the whole situation there is such a cluster fuck. This guy’s wife just had a baby last summer and the poor guy just started a business. As hard as it is to get a business going, it is probably hosed already. All this so shrub’s buddies in Houston can keep get rich and fat at the public trough.

If ever there was a time…

…This is the time for a filibuster. Samuel Alito has no business being on the Supreme Court. Any judge nominated by George Bush has no business on the court. Finally John Kerry is showing some spine. He and Ted Kennedy are leading a filibuster of the Alito nomination. I urge you to call your senators right now and tell them to support the filibuster. I just called the offices of Sen. Carl Levin and Sen Debbie Stabenow. Sen. Stabenow is supporting the filibuster.

Here are some numbers for the senators from Michigan:

Carl Levin – 202-224-6221
Debbie Stabenow – 202-224-4822

If you are not from Michigan find your Senator’s number here and call!

Do it now! Don’t Wait!

Have You Called Yet! What Are You Waiting For?!

Ther is hope for the future

I found this on Digg.com. Earlier today attorney-general Alberto Gonzales, the guy who wrote the memos justifying the Bush administration’s torture policy, spoke to law students at Georgetown University. He was trying to justify the blatently illegal spying on Americans by the NSA and CIA. During the speech some of the students stood up from there seats and turned their backs on Gonzales. In the current environment that is a pretty brave thing to do. Bravo!! to everyone who participated.

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