
When in doubt …

… You’re making a good start on understanding. Always question everything, especially your most closely held beliefs. There is an excellent interview with Paul Kurtz (founder and chair of the Center for Inquiry) on this week’s edition of Point of Inquiry. During the interview he talks about free thought and inquiry and emphasizes that people should question their most cherished beliefs above all. If they don’t stand up to scrutiny then you should look for other answers. It is definitely worth 25 minutes of your time.

Ypsilanti Government Podcasts 2

During the recent Mayoral campaign in the city of Ypsilanti I recorded the audio and video of the debate held at McKenney Union and then made them available as a podcast for the community. In the interest of continuing and expanding community awareness and involvement of what is going on in local government, I want to expand on this and start a new initiative. I want to record all the public meetings of the various local government bodies including the Ypsilanti City Council, the Township Board of Trustees, and the School Board. My idea is to setup an account on Podshow+ and create feeds for each body. This part is already in progress and I’ll let everyone know when it’s ready to go. The next step is to get all of these meetings recorded. Finally I will get them posted so that anyone can listen to them. Podshow is a company set up by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom to provide podcasts and podcasting related services. On the Podshow+ site they offer free hosting and bandwidth for podcasts. So this initiative will cost nothing other than the time it takes to record edit and upload the audio files. If anyone out there is interested in helping out with getting the meetings recorded, please let me know.

Update: It appears Steve Pierce has already had the same idea. I’m going to talk to Steve about participating in this project.

A dose of relief

I don’t watch TV news anymore except for the only ones that actually expose the truth like the Daily Show and Colbert Report. I also don’t get the newspaper anymore. I do read news online, from various sources. I also know that I am probably in the minority on this in the population as a whole, although maybe not among readers of this page. So if you are still being inundated by the crap from the mainstream media, I have just the thing for you. For some time now America’s Finest News Source, The Onion has been producing a daily news podcast. It is short, only 45-60 seconds typically. It is however one of the finest news broadcasts in the world. The Onion Radio News is hosted by the great Doyle Redland is far more informative than anything you will ever hear on Fox News. I urge all thinking humans to immediately go to the site and subscribe. If you only listen to one podcast, then you should listen two of them, The Onion Radio News and the MewzikCast. Your sanity depends on it. The brilliant journalistic minds of The Onion have triumphed again!

Interesting Podcast

I just listened to a very interesting podcast of a presentation from this years Pop!Tech Conference by Susan Blackmore on Memes called The Future of Ideas. Here is the description of the talk from the IT conversations site

Memetics is an intellectually rich but controversial field which seeks to explain how our minds and cultures are designed by natural selection acting on replicating information, just as organisms evolve by natural selection acting on genes. Sue Blackmore, one of the field’s leading thinkers, skillfully unfolds the major arguments for a meme’s-eye view of the world, and explores the implications for humanity. Are our brains best seen as machines invented by and for propagation of selfish memes?

It’s definitely worth a listen. Another podcast that you should check out is The Show with Ze Frank. Ze Frank does a daily 2 minute video podcast. Each day he talks about a different idea and has some very good insights. Finally don’t forget the MewzikCast. Show #13 went up this past weekend, featuring podsafe music from Sophia Ramos, Planet of Women, George Thorogood, and Sunspot.

I need a favor 4

The voting for the second annual podcast awards is going on right now through August 11. Two podcasters from Michigan have been nominated for the awards which will be given out in September at the Podcast Expo in California. My friend Matt who does Digital Detroit Radio has been nominated in the Best Mobile Podcast category and Jasper of the Plan Nine Rock show has been nominated in the Best Podsafe Music Podcast category. I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute and swing by the site at PodcastAwards.compodcastaward and throw a vote each to Matt and Jasper. After you vote you need to enter a name and e-mail at the bottom of the form and then click on the confirmation message that will appear in your inbox to register the vote. You can vote once per day, it only takes a couple of minutes and it would be great if both Michigan podcasters could win their categories. Thanks a lot

Podsafe music

If you aren’t familiar with the term Podsafe Music refers to music that the artists have given permission for podcasters to use free of charge. For the most part podsafe music does not include anything from the major record labels that has sold in any significant numbers. So far the record labels have steadfastly refused to let podcasters play any of their music with out paying outrageous license fees. Considering that the vast majority of podcasters have little or no revenue related to the podcast this quite unreasonable. So podcasters who want to play music such as my 11 year old son Max have taken to discovering new bands to play that actually want to be heard by more people and thus sell more music and and stuff. In the past this could be a really difficult thing to do. In the past couple of years some new on-line services have made this a much easier proposition. First, sites like Garageband.com and Myspace.com made finding music a lot easier, but getting permission was still a pain. You still had to contact each artist individually, to get permission.

About a year ago PodShow rolled out something called the podsafe music network. This was a brilliant move. What they did was create a site where any musician can upload their music, and add a bio, genre, links to band websites, contact info etc. They also give permission for podcasters use the music in podcasts. Anyone who has recorded some music can put up their music. If you have recorded anything that is any good, go ahead and upload it, and if people like it you will get heard. Podcasters can register for the PMN and when they do they can browse the library for music, search for artists, and even search by the artists influences. Podcasters can preview the songs on-line, and then click to add the songs to a playlist they create on the site. When they are ready they can click and download the mp3 files for the songs they want to play. After they are done recording and publishing their show, they go back to the PMN playlist, and click on the “report when played” button. This will send an e-mail to the artist and let them know that a podcast has played their music. The artist’s page then shows a list of what podcasts have played their music. The podcasters can then use this to check out other podcasts that have played the music they like and see what else they are playing. This makes a great way to discover more new music.

Podcast listeners can also use this feature as a way to find new podcasts to listen to as well as new music. If you go to a podcasters page you can see the music they have played and follow the links to the artists page and then to the other podcasters that are playing that music. Max has been using the PMN to find the music he plays on the MewzikCast. It is a great way to discover new music and then spread the word to other listeners. Podshow is slowly rolling out the ability for for artists to make their songs available for sale on the network too. They are selling DRM-free mp3 songs for $0.99. Unlike iTunes where the labels get $0.65 and the musicians only get about $0.04 per song, here the artists get $0.90 which is the whole amount minus the transaction fee taken by the credit card processing company. This is a much better deal for musicians than radio and iTunes or Napster. And podcasters can spread the word about new music they are listening to without having to worry about the wrath of the RIAA. There are thousands of bands on the PMN now. There has been some controversy over some of Podshow’s actions over the past year and a half. I’m not going to get into that here. But one thing that Podshow has definitely done right is the Podsafe Music Network. Great work from Chris Rockwell, Sue Fleming, CC Chapman, Michael Butler and everyone else at the PMN.