Announcements [A]


Doug Kaye the amazing guy behind IT conversations posted a picture of the nose landing gear of the jet blue plane that made an emergency landing at LAX last week.

jet blue nose gear

In case you missed it this plane was on approach to Los Angeles International airport last week and upon lowering the landing gear, a fault was detected with the nose gear. It turned out the wheels where stuck turned 90 degrees from the direction that the plane was supposed to be going. Observers in other planes and on the ground confirmed the problem so the plane circled around until they burned off all the fuel on board and then landed.
jet blue landing

Since the wheels where stuck pointing in the wrong direction they just scraped along the runway until the plane stopped. Thankfully everyone was okay. The Fly with me podcast has some audio of the air traffic controllers talking to the pilots.

Put a stop to all Bush nominee’s

I just called the offices of Senators Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow and Arlen Spector. I urged of all them to do whatever is necessary to stop all further Bush nominees, particularly Supreme Court nominees. There is no rule that the Supreme Court must have 9 sitting justices. The court can move forward with only 7 justices. The actions and words of George Bush himself and his appointees over the past week have clearly demonstrated that he has such poor judgement when it comes to his choices that he cannot be trusted to put anyone on the supreme court. The supreme court is far too important to let this fool mess with it. I urge anyone reading this to call there senators and also Sen Spector (he is the chairman of the judiciary comitee) and urge them to reject all Bush judicial nominees especially supreme court nominees. Here is the page where you can find the phone number of your senator’s office in Washington. Please call today. Urge them to filibuster or do whatever is necessary to stop bush nominees. After look at what his previous appointees have done in Iraq, Gauntanamo Bay, New Orleans and elsewhere.

I’ve been away 2

I’ve been away for a few days. We went over to the west side of the state and hung out a place called the snooty fox. They have six little cabins and it is pretty nice. Check out their site for more info.It is only a few minutes from the beach. The beach is great but the water in lake michigan is really cold. I have posted some pics at
The weather was great and we found a couple of really great places to eat. For breakfast I highly recommend the blue plate cafe and for dinner definitely check out Cafe Gulistan