More than 150 people die every year from accidental acetaminophen overdose

More than 150 people die every year from accidental acetaminophen overdose

Acetaminophen is very effective as a pain killer and avoids many of the gastric issues caused by aspirin and ibuprofen. Unfortunately, it can cause severe liver damage and even death if take too much. Compared to other pain relievers the margin for overdose much, much smaller. Listen to this before you take another Tylenol and whatever you do, don't take it for a hangover. 

Use Only as Directed | This American Life
One of the country’s most popular over-the-counter painkillers — acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol — also kills the most people, according to data from the federal government. Over 150 Americans die each year on average after accidentally taking too much. And it requires a lot less to endanger you than you may know.

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