* +TechShop is a pretty amazing company*

* +TechShop is a pretty amazing company*

Whether you are a hobbyist that just wants access to a great array of tools at an affordable price or a small scale manufacturer. Last year when I was working on a story about the opening of TechShop Detroit, I met a luthier that was actually doing his business out of TechShop. Anyone that wants to create stuff or just learn should check out TechShop.

Reshared post from +Robert Scoble

America's most important startup?

This is a really long video. More than an hour. Why is it so long? Because Techshop could be the most important startup to United States' manufacturing industry. Here we spend an hour with CEO Mark Hatch. 

What is Techshop? It's a place where you can make things. We get an in-depth tour. You can learn more here: http://www.techshop.ws

In this video you'll also meet several startups that call Techshop home. 

This is why Techshop is so important to our economy. It's providing a place for many other startups to get going, meet cofounders, and make the things that need to be made to startup companies.

Don't miss the discussion of 3D printing at about 36 minutes into the video: America's most important startup? as we visit one of the startups located at Techshop San Francisco, Type A Machines. Learn more about this 3D Printing Startup at http://typeamachines.com

At about 45 minutes into the video we meet SF Made, a non-profit that is helping the growing manufacturing sector in San Francisco America's most important startup?

At 54 minutes into the tour we meet ProtoTank, a startup that makes unique signs. America's most important startup?

At 62 minutes into it, the founder of ProtoTank shows me a cool wearable LED system he built. America's most important startup?

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