One of several reasons I opt not to use iOS devices is Apple's insistence on…

One of several reasons I opt not to use iOS devices is Apple's insistence on total control

Apple certainly has the right to limit what they will allow to sold or distributed through their store, but I want the ability to select what I want to load on the devices I buy regardless of the preferences of the late Steve Jobs or current CEO Tim Cook. That's part of why I use Android where I can load whatever I want including experimental or beta software. 

Apple can run the business how it wants and I have the option to take my business elsewhere which I do.

Reshared post from +Tim Bray

I think it’s perfectly OK for Apple to have policies about what they will and won’t sell (every online store does).   The problem is that Apple reserves the exclusive right to provide apps. So, in effect, the policy isn’t “We won’t sell X”, it’s “You can’t have X”.

Which is why, back in 2008, I decided that the iPhone, an otherwise wonderful product, wasn’t for me.

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