Monthly Archives: October 2005

A great fall day 2

Today was a gorgeous fall day, the sun was shining and the temperature was about 70. Max had a football game this morning. During the warmup the guys did great, they were catching everything. Once the game started they ran their patterns, and they got open. The defense reacted to the changing formations on the line of scrimmage just like they practised this week. There was just one minor problem. They couldn’t get seem to catch the ball. This little sequence basically tells the story of the game. Just click on the picture to see the sequence.
story of the game

Later we had lunch at the Sidetrack. I love the fish and chips there, but today I had the BBQ pork sandwich and it was great. If you are ever i the Depot Town area of Ypsilanti definitely stop in at the Sidetrack. Then this afternoon I took Max and his friend Nick out to a corn maze. The boys had a good time running around the maze. Then we stopped off and got some apple cider and donuts. All in all a really nice fall day. The Ypsilanti area is really a great place to live and raise a family.

Proselytizing Atheism?

There is a great post over on SIVACRACY.NET this morning. This is exactly what I believe in and have written about previously

Don’t click this link if you have no sense of humor about religion, e.g. if you don’t find this funny:

“As an atheist you have a number of rights and responsibilities. These include (but are not limited to):

Have no gods.
Don’t worship stuff.
Be polite.
Take a day off once in a while.
Be nice to folks.
Don’t kill people.
Don’t fool around on your significant other.
Don’t steal stuff.
Don’t lie about stuff.
Don’t be greedy.

Remember, theists will condemn you for living by this code because you are doing it of your own free will instead of because you’re afraid that if you don’t a supreme being will set you on fire.

PETA is ridiculous 12

Mark Maynard has a good post this morning that is mostly about vandalizing SUV’s. For years I have fought back the urge to deface all those pristine Explorers, Hummers and especially Cayannes (Ferdinand Porsche must be rolling over in his grave ever since this one came to be. Porsche management should be ashamed of themselves). Fortunately I think all we really need to do is wait a bit for gas prices to climb to $4-5/gallon. At that point natural selection will take its course and most of the suv’s will just get parked. But my main point here is with regard to the last paragraph of Mark’s post:

While we’re on the subject of, “Just how far is too far?”, what do you think about Peta’s new, “Your Daddy Kills Animals” campaign? Would you be pissed if you kid came home crying, with one of these comics tucked under her arm, asking why you delight in the murder of innocent little animals?

For many years I think PETAs tactics have just been stupid and most of the celebrities they have advertising for them are just dilettantes looking for attention. I don’t hunt, but that is not because I don’t believe in it. I just don’t feel like it. I have no problem with hunting or fishing. I do think that there need to be rules to prevent over hunting and fishing so that we preserve the population for the future but that is just common sense. We also need some safety regulations for hunting, like where you can and can’t hunt and making sure that hunters know how to properly use a firearm or bow or whateever. Where PETA could actually do something useful but doesn’t is the case of industrial farming. Any potential impact that PETA could have on industrial farming is largely lost because of their extremist views and tactics when it comes to hunting.

Industrial livestock farming does a great deal of harm to animals, and also to human health. They pack tens of thousands of animals (pigs, chickens, cows etc) into impossibly small condtions. They force feed these animals on feed that is not what they would normally eat, pump them full of hormones and antibiotics, and mutilate them to get them to grow as fast as possible so they can turn them around. They produce chickens and turkeys with big white meat breasts, but no taste. They make lots of milk but pass along antibiotics and hormones to humans. The antibiotics allow bacteria to grow resistant so that they become more dangerous and the normal human antibiotics become ineffective. The feed is made from all kinds of stuff the animals would normally never eat, like bones and brains of cows, leading to problems like mad cow disease. Cows are supposed to graze on grass in pastures.

Americans have become so used to eating artificially cheap food that all of these problems have become endemic. The problem is that instead of paying up front for good food, they pay after the fact in increased health problems, and tax dollars that go in insane farm subsidies to industrial farms. What proponents of those billions of dollars a year in subsidies don’t tell you is that the vast majority of those subsidies go to the huge factory farms not individual family farms. This money should be redirected toward a single payer universal health care. People need to stop supporting factory farms and buy there food from places like Sparrow Meats in Ann Arbor. All the meat Sparrow sells comes from local organic farmers. The beef is grass fed in a pasture, the chickens are free range and it all has vastly more flavor than anything with a Tyson or Purdue label. Whole Foods also sells a lot of produce and meat from local farmers.

Support your local farmers, buy good local grown and raised food. It is better for the farmers, better for the environment, and better for your health.

So Bush Lied Again!!

Andy Borrowitz has the scoop from god’s phone logs today!

‘Out of the Loop’ On Iraq, Almighty Says

Days after the BBC reported that President George W. Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq, the Almighty held a rare press conference today to say that He was ‘totally out of the loop’ on the March 2003 invasion.

Reporters packed a meeting room at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. to hear the angry denial of the Supreme Being, who had not held a press conference in over half a year.

Dressed in a white robe and sporting his trademark long, flowing beard, God told a reporter that the president’s version of events was “bogus,” adding, “Dude, I don’t even know the guy.”

The King of the Universe then showed reporters detailed phone logs from March 2003 revealing that He had no conversations with President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, or anyone else involved in the decision to invade Iraq.

While the logs showed no conversation with the president, they did indicate that on March 24 of that year God placed a call to actress Nicole Kidman to congratulate her on winning the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in “The Hours.”

In what some saw as a particularly sarcastic rebuke of the president, God offered this possible explanation of Mr. Bush’s claim that He had told him to invade Iraq: “Maybe he has me confused with Dick Cheney.”

Elsewhere, the Department of Homeland Security said that the recent terror threat to New York City was “specific but non-credible,” and that so was the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

Rescuing Jesus

Alessandro Camon wrote an excellent essay on this week about how the republican party and the religiious right in the United States have hijacked Jesus Christ. Even if you are not a Christian it is truly appalling how shrub and his cronies have abuse and twisted the words in the bible to their own ends.

The American Christian right has hijacked Jesus Christ. It has made him into a brand, a logo, a bumper sticker. It celebrates his suffering on the cross, but largely neglects what he had to say. It prefers an Old Testament God, a “Jealous God, visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children.” It elevates success to proof of God’s favor, and washes its hands of responsibility for the poor. It combines a self-righteous vision of Americans as the chosen people with shrill intimations of imminent apocalypse, to justify indifference to the rest of the world and to the planet itself. It sticks to the letter of the Bible with arbitrary selectiveness, so that it can endorse creationism and condemn homosexuality while acknowledging that (contrary to Old Testament wisdom) the earth is in fact round, and slavery is not OK. (If you are not a salon premium subscriber you will need to watch a few ads first before reading the article, but it is worth it.)

For the record I am not a christian although I was raised catholic. I used to consider myself an agnostic. I hate absolutism and don’t like the idea of denying anything that I cannot disprove. However particularly since the rise to power of shrub I have come to see myself as an athiest. I believe that even if there were a god, if she/he/it didn’t do some thing about about these people purporting to be acting in god’s name, this amorphous being wouldn’t be something worth worshipping anyway. I believe people are responsible for for their own behavior. If they want a better world they have to work for it and not rely on a god or false prophets to deliver it for them. I believe you only have the life that you are living now, and once that is over your time is up. Make the best of the life you have, and don’t count on some eternal paradise.

If there is a heaven, and you live the kind of life preached by jesus in the bible, you will get their. If there isn’t, living that kind of life will make the world a better place anyway. God and jesus aren’t necessary for people to live a good life and take care of each other. But living a good life and taking care of each other and our planet is necessary if our species is to survive beyond the near future. This planet has been around a lot longer than humans. Many species have risen and died off over the last 4.5 billion years. Many more will come and go in the future. But if our little group wants to be around a little longer we need to stop the people that are twisting and abusing the words in a book written by many men over many years over 2000 years ago. They are abusing these words for their own perverse ends and we must take responsibility for stopping them and making this world a better place for future generations.

On a positive note

My son Max plays on flag football team in the Ypsi Township league. The coach of the team he is on this year is just great. Bobby Johnson has probably the best attitude of any coach I have ever met. He really encourages the players to just do their best and have fun. He tells them that it doesn’t matter if they win or lose, it is about working as a team and having fun. All the players are part of a team and do their part. During games he doesn’t keep track of scores. And his son John Rae who this year is no longer eligible to play (6-13 years old only) also comes and helps out. Last night John Rae spent half the practise jsut working with a couple of the players on catching the ball on the run. These players were having difficulty catching the ball while running a pattern and John Rae just kept running over the same patterns with them over and over until they got it. It was all about building their confidence. The players were capable they just needed confidence and they got it. I know John Rae is also a top student at school. Both Bobby and John Rae are an inspiration and great example. The city and township of Ypsilanti should be proud to have these guys as members of the community. I salute you!

America is doomed! 2

Take a look at the top two stories on todays Detroit Free press front page.

Freep Delphi

At the same time that Delphi is demanding a 63% pay cut (along with cuts in pensions, vacation, and health benefits) they are giving their top executives a boost in severance packages if they lose their jobs. Here’s a thought if your company is on the verge of bankruptcy, why would you pay them more for helping to ruin the company. If anything they should be cutting their pay and benefits before they ask any rank and file employee to take a pay cut. Until American workers start to rebel against all this corporate thievery, America will just continue it’s decline into irrelevance. This kind of behavior is led right from the top by the likes of George Bush and his cronies.

This must be stopped. Corporate America must be truly reformed. The pay of executives needs to be capped at some reasonable multiple (say 10X) the average of all employees. Stock options if used at all must be declared as an expense and the timeline for excercising those options needs to be extended out to a minimum of 5-10 years to discourage all the short term shenanigans that executives are using to pump their stock prices. And people have to realize that if they are not employed at reasonable wages actually making real stuff, they will not be able to afford to buy stuff.

Finally, it is totally disgraceful that the likes of Bill Ford, Rick Wagoner and others are not speaking out loudly and forcefully about truely reforming the broken health care system in this country. Clearly the for profit health insurance system in this country doesn’t work. The only people who benefit are the shareholders of the for profit companies. Health care should be a basic right. The money spent on health care should be used to provide care not line the pockets of insurance executives. Executives who are whining about health care costs should be yelling the loudest for a single payer system. Clearly the free market has not worked and shows no signs of improving the health care system. I believe in market economies. I am not a communist. But I also believe that markets don’t work for everything. Competition has not lowered costs or improved outcomes for patients. America spends more on health care and has the lowest lifespan and highest infant mortality of any of the major industrialized countries. The health care system needs to be removed from the free market and run for the benefit of the people.

But as I said, unless people rise up and demand some real change America will be an irrelevant third world country in the next 5-10 years. Call your representatives and demand that they ignore the entertainment industry and their demands for more copyright, ignore the wealthy elite and their demnands for more tax cuts, ignore the religious extremists and their demands for a theocracy, and get to work on fixing health care, reducing corporate welfare, do some real reform of minimum wages and social security. The only thing trickling down is the shit and piss of the wealth elites. After all who are they really supposed to represent!

Republicans are Hypocrites!

It’s amazing how hypocritical republicans can be. They keep harping about government being so bad and causing all of America’s problem. They want government to stay out everything except defense. Except when they want government to control personal behavior. Of course that only applies to behavior they disagree with. They don’t want government to tocuh their guns or cigarettes. They don’t want government to collect any taxes. But they want government to encourage religion, as long as it is their vision of religion. They want government to control womens reproductive choices. They want to eliminate a womans right to not have a child when it is not appropriate for the woman. And now along with saying that a woman cannot choose not to have a child, they want to tell a woman when she cannot have a child.

Republican lawmakers are drafting new legislation that will make
marriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana,
including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who do
become pregnant “by means other than sexual intercourse.”

According to a draft of the recommended change in state law, every
woman in Indiana seeking to become a mother throu gh assisted
reproduction therapy such as in vitro fertilization, sperm donation,
and egg donation, must first file for a “petition for parentage” in
their local county probate court.

Only women who are married will be considered for the “gestational
certificate” that must be presented to any doctor who facilitates the
pregnancy. Further, the “gestational certificate” will only be given
to married couples that successfully complete the same screening
process currently required by law of adoptive parents.

As it the draft of the new law reads now, an intended parent “who
knowingly or willingly participates in an artificial reproduction
procedure” without court approval, “commits unauthorized
reproduction, a Class B misdemeanor.” The criminal charges will be
the same for physicians who commit “unauthorized practice of
artificial reproduction.”

Where the fuck do they got telling anyone when they can and cannot have a child. Supposedly the legislation is intended to regulate surrogacy, but the wording is such that it will control all assisted reproduction in the state of Indiana. How can the Indiana legislators be so ignorant.

On a related vein, republicans also seem to hate “judicial activism” unless of course the activist judge is ruling in agreement with their beliefs. Right-wing republicans like to point at judges like Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas as the kind they would to see populate the supreme court. They also rail against judges that overturn legislation passed in congress and state legislatures and who overturn precedents. That is of course unless they don’t like the precedent in question or law in question. They would be thrilled if the supreme court overruled Roe v Wade and they pushed hard for the court to invalidate the McCain-Fiengold campaign finance reform bill. From the Village-Voice:

The potential conflict between these conservative positions is easy to observe. One cannot urge judges to abstain from government by judiciary while simultaneously asserting that the judges must advance a particular set of substantive positions, because vindicating the latter may require quashing contrary legislation. The protection of states rights, for example, comes by invalidating federal legislation.

A recent poll of the public by the American Bar Association found that 56 percent of respondents believe that there is a judicial activism “crisis,” in which judges “routinely overrule the will of the people.” Conservatives claim this as their position. According to a recent study, however, conservative darlings Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia have voted to strike congressional laws 65 percent and 56 percent of the time, respectively, more than double the rate of Justice Stephen Breyer (26 percent), and well above liberal Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg (39 percent) and John Paul Stevens (39 percent).

There is another kind of conservatism, which might be called legal conservatism. This counsels adherence to precedent, self-restraint, judicial modesty, with an emphasis on preserving the autonomy and integrity of the court from the taint of politics. Chief Justice Roberts espoused this kind of conservatism. From the conservative point of view, the problem with this kind of conservatism is that it promises to lock into place longstanding decisions like Roe and the Warren Court’s liberal constitutional reforms. This is why the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue was unhappy with Roberts, and has already come out against Miers.

Given this constellation of conflicting conservative positions, any nominee would have raised ire from one conservative wing or another. The misfortune of Miers is that her views are so unknown that every conservative group feared the worst, and let loose their barrage of angst and frustration. After repeated failures, this was their best chance in decades to turn the orientation of the Court toward the right, and now it may be lost.

Republicans are only conservative when it suits them. They are also more pro-big government than anyone when it suits their desires.