Daily Archives: May 8, 2014

It may already be too late for America All of the moves toward educational reform over the past couple…

It may already be too late for America

All of the moves toward educational reform over the past couple of decades have only made the situation worse with a total focus on standardized testing.  With teacher's careers dependent on test results, kids are no longer being taught to think for themselves, just to pass the test. 

Without a thoughtful populace we are doomed?

Widespread ignorance bordering on idiocy is our new national goal. It’s no use pretending otherwise and telling us, as Thomas Friedman did in the Times a few days ago, that educated people are the nation’s most valuable resources. Sure, they are, but do we still want them? It doesn’t look to me as if we do. The ideal citizen of a politically corrupt state, such as the one we now have, is a gullible dolt unable to tell truth from bullshit.