JJ Abrams to help keep +Kodak afloat with Star Wars Episode VII 2

JJ Abrams to help keep +Kodak afloat with Star Wars Episode VII

While Peter Jackson and James Cameron are shooting all of their new projects on 4K digital cameras at 48 frames per second and in 3D, Abrams is continuing to use film to shoot Star Wars. As far as I know, even movies shot on film today immediately get digitized for editing, color correction and visual effects, so its not clear what the benefits are of shooting on film. Even for distribution the vast majority of cinemas have converted to digital projection, so the potential upside is archiving since people can still look at a piece of celluloid even if all the computers die.

Analog strikes back: next ‘Star Wars’ to be shot on film, not digital
Director JJ Abrams, who recently signed on to direct the next installment in the Star Wars series, has shots his movies exclusively in film — and it turns out that won’t be changing any time…

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