A young +Ford Motor Company engineer used OpenXC and a MakerBot to create a vibrating…

A young +Ford Motor Company engineer used OpenXC and a MakerBot to create a vibrating shift knob

Zach Nelson interned at +Tesla Motors while attending MIT, but then decided to go to work at Ford after graduating last year.  He jumped right into OpenXC to show how it could be used as a new way of customizing cars like the Mustang

Ford’s Vibrating Shifter Teaches Simpletons How to Drive a Manual | Autopia | Wired.com
Properly shifting a car is a skill, one increasingly being lost as automatics and — gasp! — CVTs become the norm. Which is why we’re stoked to hear an engineer at Ford has made it easier than ever for n00bs to learn how to properly row their own gears.

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