Always make sure you put the right fuel in your tank, gasoline and diesel don't… 3

Always make sure you put the right fuel in your tank, gasoline and diesel don't mix

President Obama’s Limo Breaks Down In Israel After Being Filled With Diesel By Mistake
President Obama is on his way to Israel for a state visit. His limo, the Beast, made the trip with him. Apparently it just broke down because it was filled with diesel instead of gas. Whoops.

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3 thoughts on “Always make sure you put the right fuel in your tank, gasoline and diesel don't…

  • Robert Moffitt

    This sort of thing happens more often that you might think — not to touring Presidents, but to average Joes and Janes who don't always pay attention at the pump.

    As advocates for E85, we encourage retailers to use bright yellow hoses and noozle handles, as well as many warning signs for those driving gasoline-only vehicles. Still, some people accidently put E85 in a non-flex fuel car. Our advice is to just burn it off and mix in some regular unleaded as the tank goes down. Your "check engine" light will soon turn off, and no harm will be done to the car — just don't make a habit of it.