We should all hope that the US Supreme Court has the good sense to kick Monsanto… 1

We should all hope that the US Supreme Court has the good sense to kick Monsanto to the curb

Unfortunately the rightward lean of this court probably means Monsanto will win this case and we will be stuck paying them an annual tax until the Deamon arrives. http://www.amazon.com/s/?tag=samsthought-20&link_code=wsw&_encoding=UTF-8&search-alias=aps&field-keywords=daemon&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0&Submit=Go

Farmer vs. biotech: Supreme Court will decide if soybean seeds get copy protection
Today, the Supreme Court is set to begin hearing a case between agrochemical giant Monsanto and a farmer who figured out a way around Monsanto’s strict requirement that its customers buy new…

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