Every time I see something like this I am reminded that humans are not necessarily… 1

Every time I see something like this I am reminded that humans are not necessarily so special

If people just stopped and spent a bit more time observing animal behavior, they would realize that many of the qualities that we ascribe solely to humanity are in fact not really so unique.

Spider That Builds Its Own Spider Decoys Discovered | Wired Science | Wired.com
A spider that builds elaborate, fake spiders and hangs them in its web has been discovered in the Peruvian Amazon. Believed to be a new species in the genus Cyclosa, the arachnid crafts the larger spi…

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One thought on “Every time I see something like this I am reminded that humans are not necessarily…

  • JR Guacamole Cedeno

    It's not the fact that the qualities are unique, it's the fact that we have more, more complex and more evolved than those of animals. We are the super animal, it's pretentious to say it but any animal is below are level. And by this I don't mean that it's right for us to abuse them or anything, I'm just saying that nothing compares fairly with us.