With child-rearing ideas like these, you have to wonder how the human species survived… 2

With child-rearing ideas like these, you have to wonder how the human species survived as long as it did

Over the years there has been some colossally bad advice about how to raise babies, mostly coming from men.  If breast milk is so deficient as Walter W. Sackett Jr believed, why didn't primates including humans go extinct millions of years ago? 

As much as I value science, it's only useful when backed up by actual evidence. Screwball ideas like most of these are no more scientific than creationism or the flying spaghetti monster. 

Baby “Experts” You Should Definitely Ignore
In the annals of bad baby advice, a dubious prize goes to Tennessee preacher Michael Pearl, who provoked outrage last year when it came to light that a book he’d written with his wife, To Train Up a C…

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