Then I noticed the price they were charging for these tablets. Until the 4th gen replaced it a couple of weeks ago, a 3rd gen 16GB WiFi iPad cost $499. QVC is bundling a bunch probably third-rate accessories (definitely not Apple brand stuff) and charging $779 for the previous generation model. That's more than 50% more than the iPad alone cost direct from Apple.
Please if you are considering buying this stuff from QVC, DON'T! You can get a newer faster one from Apple and get a similar bundle of accessories for under $100. If you really want a deal go to the Apple online store and get a factory refurbished unit that comes with the same one-year warranty as a brand new one for just $379 http://store.apple.com/us/product/FC705/refurbished-ipad-with-wi-fi-16gb-black-3rd-generation
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