Daily Archives: August 24, 2012

Yet another Republican demonstrates his contempt and ignorance of science 8

Democrats are far from immune from this kind of stupidity but the GOP seems to be downright proud about it. 

Reshared post from +Clayton Morris

Politicians should just stop talking about stuff they don't understand, like medicine and science. 

GOP lawmaker: Virtually impossible to get AIDS through heterosexual sex | The Raw Story
Tennessee state Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) falsely claimed on Thursday that it was nearly impossible for someone to contract AIDS through heterosexual contact. “Most people realize that AIDS came from …

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Any "reporter" that gets a no questions about 8

demand from a politician should either ask the questions anyway or walk away from the interview. It's not worth claiming you got the interview if you weren't allowed to ask the questions.

If a politician doesn't want to answer the questions, they should come right and say no comment in front of the camera or recorder. This is bullshit.

Reshared post from +Talking Points Memo

Second Local Station Says Romney Camp Asked For No Akin Questions
Before Mitt Romney appeared via satellite on an Ohio TV station WHIO Thursday, his campaign told a reporter it would prefer Romney did not get questions about Todd Akin. Fortunately for the Romney cam…

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To those that espouse the idea that government should take a completely hands off…

To those that espouse the idea that government should take a completely hands off approach and let big business do whatever it wants, consider this.

AT&T and T-Mobile again remind us of why we should grateful their merger collapsed
It wasn’t that long ago when American wireless subscribers seemed resigned to the fact that AT&T (T) was going to gobble up T-Mobile and that Sprin

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