Every American should read this and take it to heart 4

Every American should read this and take it to heart

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10 Things Most Americans Don’t Know About America
Imagine you have a brother and he's an alcoholic. He has his moments, but you keep your distance from him. You don't mind him for the occasional family gathering or holiday. You still love him. But yo…

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4 thoughts on “Every American should read this and take it to heart

  • Stelios Kalogreades

    As a foreigner working in the USA, yes, I come across that. Hell, Saturday I confused someone by pointing out that Europe is not a single entity. I mean, for fuck's sake. This was after talking to me about Greek food. And he tried to talk about "European socialism" like I was going to be insulted or he had a single clue what that meant, nevermind that each damn country has its own political system and the paranoia section of that article would be what scares the uneducated in this country.
    Oh and by the way, if anyone tries to use an argument like that with me, instantly I will consider them uneducated imbeciles.
    And if you confuse Soviet stalinism with communism with National Socialism with socialism with general fascism, you probably definitely have no business talking politics.

  • Stelios Kalogreades

    Oh, and there was mention of eastern Europe as representative of the whole of Europe and the same as Greece. The mind, it boggles. Mexico is the same as Canada which is the same as Equador which is the same as the USA by that logic.