Daily Archives: November 5, 2011

Very cool video that explains some of the behind the scenes technology developed…

Very cool video that explains some of the behind the scenes technology developed to shoot the Hobbit in 3D. In order to get the correct interoccular distance between the adjacent cameras, special rigs had to be built to mount the cameras at 90 degree angle with one shooting the image from a mirror.

Because of the all the different ways they are shooting including hand-held, steadi-cam and boom rigs, they have different mounts for each setup. Fortunately, the advent of digital cinema cameras like the Red One and now the 5K Red Epic, the size and cost has come down dramatically compared to what it would have been 15-20 years ago. As a result, the crew has 48 cameras set up in pairs on different mounts.

Because Peter Jackson planned to shoot in digital 3D from the beginning, he's been able to factor that into the way shots are set up so that hopefully the 3D will actually enhance the story-telling rather than just be a gimmick. The video is definitely worth watching.

Embedded Link

Peter Jackson reveals the Red Epic secrets behind The Hobbit (video)

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Sunset at the North Pole 3

Reshared post from +Brian Krassenstein

Sunset at the North Pole
This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. And, you also see the sun below the moon. An amazing photo and not one easily duplicated
Photographer: Unknown

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