With that knowledge of the why, you can always derive the how, but the opposite can be much harder.
Conservatives always seem to like to fall back on the bible for excuses although they rarely live up to the most important lessons. One of the wisest things written in there is "give someone a fish and they eat for a day, teach them to fish and they eat for a lifetime"
Teaching the why is the equivalent of teach someone to fish. Sadly, those with all the power and wealth, don't want the masses to understand the why, lest they realize they are being oppressed and rise up to usurp the powerful.
Reshared post from +Melina M
Here's a comment I spotted on an article posted on +TheBlaze just now. Do you think this person is trolling or genuinely thinks that understanding why something works the way it does is harmful to children's mental state? And what is your opinion?
"These school prison camps should be teaching kids how to get math answers, not why the answer is what it is. No wonder kids get rebellious when kids are told to question everything. “Do it this way because I say so” should be enough for children. No wonder this country is falling apart."?
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