However, I think his suggestion that Mulally should get the presidential medal of freedom doesn't go far enough. In so many ways the new F150 is an enormous advance over what came before and Mulally deserves credit for giving the scientists, researchers, designers, engineers and technicians the room to stretch and try new things.
However, without the efforts of those thousands of Ford employees, none of this would have happened. There are of course many other things that I'd like to see that still haven't happened, but this all takes time. A Fusion wagon, some diesel or HCCI engines, a small 2-seat rear-drive sports car, just to name a few, would all be nice. But in the meantime let's execute properly on what we have and build toward the other stuff.?
Dan Neil on how Detroit’s auto makers have got their groove back
For auto sales in the U.S., 2013 was a huge year. As the North American Auto Show in Detroit indicated, American car makers are showing signs of coming out of their long slump.