After more than 6 1/2 years of faithful service my old MacBook Pro was finally retired… 4

This late-2006 machine served as my daily driver for about 2 1/2 years, accumulating a lot of flight miles and as you can see by some of the keys, a lot of key strokes. I eventually replaced it with a mid-2009 model and passed it along first to my daughter, and then my son.
The battery has been effectively dead for more than a year and this week, the graphics chip started flaking out. After opening it up and cleaning what dust was in the heatsinks, the problem did not resolve itself, pointing to a more serious problem. Given it's advanced age, it was not worth repairing. We hit Craigslist and found a good deal on a used late 2012 13-inch Macbook air that Max used some of the money he's earned at his job this summer to pay for.
I pulled the hard drive and after reformatting, I stuffed into a casing from another drive that died after getting dropped a couple of years ago so Max has some extra storage. I was going to swap the display assembly to my wife's mid-2007 model to replace the cracked (for the second time) bezel only to find that some of the connectors had been changed.
The bezel issue is a story for another day.
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