This is totally consistent with +Verizon Wireless MO of let's see how much money… 15

This is totally consistent with +Verizon Wireless MO of let's see how much money we can get from customers before they flinch

Verizon can get away with this because unlike in other parts of the world, the carriers are set up in such a way that you can't take your equipment and go somewhere else if you're not happy. If you want to take advantage of the VZW network, you have to put up with their pricing policies because phones are incompatible.

When VZW changes pricing in recent years, they never do it in a way that will cost you less. When they introduced family data sharing they deliberately priced in a way that would not save money for most customers and over time would likely cost more as people use more data.  

Now they offering customers a chance to pay back the subsidy they aren't getting anymore while also paying for a new phone. Until we have phones that support all LTE bands, we are all locked in and screwed!

Verizon CFO: ‘We will not touch our service pricing’ after launch of VZ Edge | Android Central
Following both the release of its new “Verizon Edge” upgrade plans and Q2 2013 financial results, Verizon CFO Fran Shammo had some interesting statements regarding the new upgrade scheme.

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15 thoughts on “This is totally consistent with +Verizon Wireless MO of let's see how much money…

  • George Jones

    As a recovering gadget junkie and as a guy who's grandfathered into an AT&T unlimited data plan that I didn't even want, but now I refuse to give up (funny story that involves my uncle's funeral and an AT&T employee swearing that I was incapable of doing something I had been doing for six months).  I will say this.

    You're better off just giving up Starbucks and putting that money into a savings account marked "Phone" than relying on any upgrade plan from any US carrier if you always want the newest pocket computer.

    That being said, given that none of the major platforms schedule their hero phone debuts  to coincide with subsidy upgrades, maybe the real trick is just to keep what you have for the entire length of your contract.  Very rarely is the OMG BRAND NEW BEST PHONE EVER released 6 months after your last phone actually that much better than your last phone.

  • Don Quon

    This is what I agree on… in that Verizon Wireless cares not for trying to be competitive but instead try to be anti-competitive.  When the Samsung Galaxy S3 was making rounds in the reviews, I also took the time to look into jumping on the data bandwagon.  Since my family's packed into one of the family package plans for Verizon, I looked at the pricing, asked on how much is being paid monthly, and started plugging in the numbers.  When Verizon unveiled their shared plan system, I started picking it apart to see how much of a savings it may provided.  I found none.  I thought it was odd at first.  But then I started plugging each individual feature (aka, unlimited text and the data plan for each line) and the total came out to be the same as the new shared plan.

    It sucks being stuck on Verizon because they're the only one who has the widest coverage.  I do not have the finances to try out other networks but maybe one of these days, I'll fiddle with a dumbphone and give it a whirl then.  The stupidity surrounding a network that is generally incompatible with other competing carrier network is astounding.  Every time I look at new devices, be it the upcoming successor to the Nexus 4 or the HTC One, I find it frustrating the carrier bands it support doesn't include the one that Verizon uses… simply because Verizon is so stuck in their own little world.

  • Kram Nodrog

    Ok, until we flinch? If you purchase a phone out right spread across 12 months then @ the 6 month mark are allowed to activate sounds like your not committed to a carrier?!?!?
    Unless at the 6 month they ask you to activate under a 2 year contract, then I believe the buyer deserves to flinch. Wait for the 12 month mark , swap out the SIM card from old phone and do not renew your contract. Then you are not committed to a carrier??
    Enlighten me oh analytic gurus.

  • Dom Coleman

    All mobile companies are arseholes. I upgraded this year with Vodafone & got a better phone, more Gbs data & at a cheaper price by £40. So I was screwed by them for 4 previous years + they bought my old phone back but I won't see the money for 3 months!

  • Skyla Cowan

    Hey if anyone you guys know wants to buy or is interested in a Verizon Grandfathered unlimited plan (1 line) then please pm me and let me know, I love verizon's service and coverage but I'm kinda getting strapped for cash.