More recently +Lex Friedman has been spending a month with a Lumia 920 while he parked his iPhone.
One of the key takeaways from Andy's series was:
An iPhone is a delight fresh out of the box and for the life of the device. An Android phone is a delight starting around…week two, after you’ve made a bunch of minor adjustments that change it from “Good for the majority of users” to “great for you, personally.”
On the other hand, Lex Friedman found that time spent with a Windows phone wasn't necessarily a good thing. While Microsoft maintains similar levels of control of its mobile platform to Apple and it has some really cool interface features, it is also sorely lacking in a many areas like notifications and app quality.
I've used iOS and dabbled with some Windows phones, but I'll be sticking with +Android.
If you're interested in learning more about all three platforms, both series are well worth a read.
An iPhone fan’s month with Windows Phone: Week three
I miss my iPhone. In my first week with Windows Phone—specifically, the Nokia Lumia 920—I had a bit of a honeymoon phase: I was wowed by the device’s impressive display, the clever home screen, and …
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