If you haven't read +Andy Ihnatko's 3-part series explaining why he switched…

If you haven't read +Andy Ihnatko's 3-part series explaining why he switched from iPhone to Android, you should 

This line in particular sums up why I have preferred +Android over iPhone ever since I first picked up an +Motorola Mobility OG Droid in November 2009:
The iPhone is still my go-to recommendation for people who want as few surprises as possible and the easiest phone to use and maintain. An iPhone is a delight fresh out of the box and for the life of the device. An Android phone is a delight starting around…week two, after you’ve made a bunch of minor adjustments that change it from “Good for the majority of users” to “great for you, personally.”

That lack of surprises on the iPhone means that what you start with is what you'll have at the end of the phone's life and if certain things don't suit your tastes or needs, well that's just too bad. You need to learn to live within Apple's constraints. I prefer having the option to optimizes my devices to a market size of one. (props to +Ford Motor Company senior technical leader Venkatesh Prasad for that last line)



Why I switched from iPhone to Android
About a month and a half ago, I walked into an AT&T Store, handed over my iPhone 4S, and asked to be switched from my unlimited iPhone data plan to a new LTE data plan. I bought the first-genera…

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