Remind me again why any civilian needs access to assault weapons and people are allowed to buy weapons at gun shows without background checks or even ID?
Reshared post from +Talking Points Memo
The scene outside a Connecticut elementary school where 27 were reported killed today, including children. More photos:
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Reports I've read said that he had a Glock and a Sig. Assuming that the Sig isn't a Sig AR, no assault weapons were involved.
This is horrible. :/
Are you seriously making this a fucking political post?
There's dead children.
This just makes me sick however listening to those for and against gun control, I would like to ask this question. What is the underlying cause for these shootings? What drives Americans of all ages to lose control and be driven to these acts of violence. I will leave the issue of gun control to be argued by others but I would like to see more discussion on what drives the violence, drug addiction, suicides and mental illness plaguing this country.
Another mass shooting in another gun-free zone, what a surprise.