very cool hint to help avoid drips
Reshared post from +Jamez Frondeskias
handy house hints for those who prefer to "do it on their own" rather than buy it from a shop
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That is so damned obvious it irritates me that I never thought of it. Actually, it would probably make a nice little molded plastic product to buy at the dollar store.
no! no more "little molded plastic products to buy at a dollar store"! Please, there are enough one-function items out there +James Karaganis. 🙂
Great idea. But leave the band on, don't even think of taking it off, or you will be covered with paint!
+Lori Dunn That was my reaction as well. But I put it out there anyway. Hopefully I didn't give anyone any bad ideas.
I always pour the paint in another container so I don't contaminate the paint. But there's nothing wrong with having paint inside the rim. It actually helps seal the lid.