Daily Archives: October 13, 2012

MPGe (miles per gallon equivalent) is far from the best way to compare the efficiency… 6

MPGe (miles per gallon equivalent) is far from the best way to compare the efficiency of vehicles running on different energy sources, but as long as MPG is mandated by politicians in congress that disdain basic science, we'll have to live with it.  That said, you might as well understand what it means before you go shopping for a new vehicle and it's actually not that complicated.

Reshared post from +Green Car Reports

Do you know what an MPGe is? Ford Motor Company breaks it down. 

So What’s An ‘MPGe’ Anyway? Ford Explains It All For You
If you’ve been looking at buying a new electric car, you’ll have noticed a slightly different measurement of economy on the official labels: MPGe. But what does MPGe actually mean? Luckily, Ford is he…

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The most truthful statement yet about +Mitt Romney came from Matt Welch, editor-in-chief… 1

The most truthful statement yet about +Mitt Romney came from Matt Welch, editor-in-chief of Reason Magazine. 

"Romney's position on every issue has been perfectly clear, he really wants to be president!"

Melissa Harris-Perry
Melissa Harris-Perry

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