Sam's Thoughts

This is precisely how we got Al Queda in the first place

We armed Mujahadin rebels in Afghanistan with support from the Pakistanis, Saudis and other Arab dictators just to fight the Soviets and they eventually spawned both Al Queda and the Taliban.

Reshared post from +Jim Fawcette

Thinking Giving Arab Rebels Anti-Aircraft Weapons that Can Shoot Down Government Fighters, Helicopters and Air Transport is a Good Idea?
Mitt Romney apparently does

Remember, Syrian rebels include jihadist from many countries, including thousands with ties to Al Qaeda. 

Reuters: "a Romney administration would work with its allies to ensure that Syria’s rebels receive missiles that will allow them to shoot down government attack jets and helicopters. And he said a Romney White House would do more to back post-Arab Spring countries as they try to democratize."

Romney’s extreme foreign policy makeover
As with domestic policy, the Romney campaign has dramatically moderated its tone on foreign policy in recent weeks. And it might be working politically.

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