Reshared post from +Mashable
The iPhone 5‘s camera might have a flaw. If you point the camera toward the sun or bright lights, a purple halo appears around those light sources, and in some cases, purple lens flares also appear within the frame.
We took three similar shots in the same conditions to create the picture below, using the iPhone 4S, the iPhone 5 and the high-end Nikon D300 digital SLR as a control. As you can see, the iPhone 5 is the only one producing this somewhat undesirable special effect in this instance. In addition to that huge purple blowout around the sun, you can also see a lens flare that looks like a purple rainbow lower in the frame.
If you have an iPhone 5, have you experienced this problem?
Read more: http://on.mash.to/PGwZUz
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yes. indeed… darn
yes. indeed… darn
but the pink color is also seen on android devices (huawei ascend p1 for example)
but the pink color is also seen on android devices (huawei ascend p1 for example)
+Bruno Jennrich How is that relevant? Does it make it OK?
+Bruno Jennrich How is that relevant? Does it make it OK?
chromatic abberation isn't exclusive to any device. It's a function of the lens and the its coating. I've experienced on DSLRs, but I've never seen it this extreme
chromatic abberation isn't exclusive to any device. It's a function of the lens and the its coating. I've experienced on DSLRs, but I've never seen it this extreme
+Gary Pearson feel free to ignore any further information going beyond your iphone5 scope
+Gary Pearson feel free to ignore any further information going beyond your iphone5 scope
+Bruno Jennrich so you have no answer for making such a pointless statement?
+Bruno Jennrich so you have no answer for making such a pointless statement?