Sam's Thoughts

If you haven't read Daemon and Freedom(TM) by Daniel Suarez, you really should….

If you haven't read Daemon and Freedom(TM) by Daniel Suarez, you really should. His novels are speculative fiction thrillers set in a time very close to our own filled with technology of the present and very near future. His story-telling is fantastic. This passage really sums up a lot of what is wrong with the world today.

"I started educating myself on why farming no longer made sense. We basically used oil and aquifer water to temporarily boost the carrying capacity of the land, all for economic growth demanded by Wall Street investors. It’s a crazy system that only makes sense when you foist all the costs onto taxpayers in the form of crop subsidies that benefit agribusiness, and defense spending to secure fossil fuels. We’re basically paying for corporations to seize control of the food supply and dictate to us the terms under which we live."

Suarez, Daniel (2009-12-17T05:00:00+00:00). Freedom (TM) (Daemon) (Kindle Locations 3482-3485). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition. Daemon (9780451228734): Daniel Suarez: Books
Daemon [Daniel Suarez] on *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. When a designer of computer games dies,he leaves behind a program that unravels the Internet’s interconnect…

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