Sam's Thoughts

Under the rules at Le Mans if a car has an incident on the track, as long as the…

Under the rules at Le Mans if a car has an incident on the track, as long as the driver can get it back to the pits, the crew can fix it up and get it back into the race. The limitation there of course is that the driver has to get the car back to the pits. The mechanics cannot touch the car while it's on track.

Following the collision between the +Nissan DeltaWing and the #7 +TOYOTA TS030 on Saturday night, driver Satoshi Motoyama struggled for 90 minutes to repair the DeltaWing enough so that he could get it moving back to the pits. The mechanics can provide instructions but they cannot touch the car or it's disqualified. This sort of exceptional effort to do whatever it takes to finish is what Le Mans is all about.

A big thumbs up to Satoshi Motoyama and the entire +Highcroft Racing crew for their efforts this year and hopefully what they did accomplish will be recognized by the ACO with a permanent place for this car in the series.
#lemans #deltawing  

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