Sam's Thoughts

A123 Systems may not be able to survive much longer as an independent company

The lithium ion battery maker is facing some steep losses as a result of slow uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles using its batteries and a major recall of Fisker Karmas.

While A123's latest financial filing raises doubts about its ability to continue as a going concern, I doubt the company will go away completely since they have some solid technology and several high profile customers including +BMW +General Motors and +Fisker Automotive. My guess is that some other big supplier or battery maker will scoop up A123 at a fire sale price within the next few months. I'd look for companies including Bosch, Continental or perhaps even TRW as suitors.

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A123 sees 'going concern' risk due to steep losses
DETROIT (Reuters) — Lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems Inc. said on Wednesday there was "substantial doubt" about its viability because the company expects to burn through cash and repo…

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