Sam's Thoughts

+Jeff Jarvis as he so often does calls out the flaws in Mike Daisey's logic,…

+Jeff Jarvis as he so often does calls out the flaws in Mike Daisey's logic, especially mistake #2 Thinking that if you don't call it journalism, it doesn't have to be true. Falso.

Reshared post from +Jeff Jarvis

This American Life retracts its most popular show (podcast) ever: Mike Daisy's monologue and "reporting" on Apple's factories in China.

From the press release: "I'm not going to say that I didn't take a few shortcuts in my passion to be heard," Daisey tells Schmitz and Glass. "My mistake, the mistake I truly regret, is that I had it on your show as journalism, and it's not
journalism. It's theater."

No, Daisy's dangerous mistake #1: Thinking that shortcuts lead to the truth, not away from it.

Daisy's dangerous mistake #2: Thinking that if you don't call it journalism, it doesn't have to be true. Falso.

Daisy's suicidal mistake #3: Thinking that, once discovered, This American Life of all shows would let him get away with it. Wrong.

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