Sam's Thoughts

Bravo to Redbox for telling Warner Brothers where to stick its 56-day DVD rental…

Bravo to Redbox for telling Warner Brothers where to stick its 56-day DVD rental window. I posted about this ridiculous new new plan from Warners recently and explained that it certainly won't convince me to buy more disks.

Unfortunately Netflix is playing along with the studio which will hurt them on the physical disk side since Redbox will rent Warner DVDs the same day they come out for sale. Redbox is getting around the delay buy just buying disks at retail instead of waiting 2 months to get them wholesale from the studio.

Since we don't watch any more DVDs anyway, it makes no difference in our household but anytime someone sticks a finger in the eye or Hollywood, it's a good thing.

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Redbox breaks with Warner Bros. over 56-day waiting period
Redbox customers will no longer have to wait 28 days after a DVD release to rent Warner Bros. movies like A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas. Redbox has allowed its deal with Warner Bros. to expire,….

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