Monthly Archives: November 2006

The future of downtown Ypsi business 2

Last night the YpsiVotes group held the first Fuature of Downtown Ypsilanti Business session and there was a great turn-out. There were around100 people in the room at the EMU College of Business. A lot of local business people turned out to participate as well as interested people from the community. It was great to see so many people that really want to see downtown Ypsi thrive. As has become so clear to me over the last couple of years the people who live in Ypsilanti, really love this town and want to re-build it. I recorded the event as did Steve Pierce and as soon as I get it transfered and encoded in the next day or so you’ll be able to watch the whole thing from the YpsiVotes feed.

The event started with a presentation by the dean of the EMU business school David E. Mielke. The presentation that Mark Maynard did on the history and status of downtown Ypsi is also available. Speakers included David Curtis (Pub 13, Club Divine) Tandra Williams (Puffer Red’s) Paul Shemon (Cogdon’s Ace Hardware) Jennifer Albaum (Henrietta Fahrenheit) Reynold Lowe (Materials Unlimited) Peter Rinehart(Bombadil’s). The speakers talked about their experiences trying to open and operate a business downtown. The results have obviously been mixed with some (Bombadil’s) being more successful than others (Henrietta Fahrenheit). One interesting thing to learn was that such a high percentage of downtown businesses are locally owned. Other attendees included Linda French, Brian Robb, and prospective mayor Paul Schrieber. The best thing was to see so many people who are optimistic about the potential of Ypsilanti and are willing to work so hard to make it happen.

Diebold continues to prove that they are idiots

Continuing on the discussion that has been going on here and over on Mark’s site, comes yet another example Diebold’s utter incompetence. HBO has a new documentary premiering tomorrow night called Hacking Democracy. The film is apparently critical of Diebold and other voting systems companies. Needless to say Diebold is not happy about it and doesn’t want people to see it. According to TechDirt, Diebold not having seen the film they are trying to get HBO to cancel it. However, their complaints about inaccuracies in the film actually relate to a completely different movie called Voter Gate. If they can’t get something relatively straightforward like this right why would anyone trust them to run a voting system?