Sam's Thoughts

+Koushik Dutta is one of the most helpful Android developers on the scene

+Koushik Dutta is one of the most helpful Android developers on the scene

If you have an +Android phone/tablet running version 4.0 or later and you haven't rooted your device, you should definitely get a copy of this app. It provides a really simple interface to backup and restore all of the apps and more importantly the data on your phone. 

Reshared post from +Koushik Dutta

Android App Backup – super ultra alpha

Linked below is the rootless [1] app (and app data) backup solution I've been working on. Will only work on Android 4.0+.

Right now, just app backup/restore to/from a computer browser is implemented. Will be working on cloud backup and sync (via Google Drive) next. Probably only works on Firefox and Chrome. IE blows.

[1] Current version requires root. The rootless version has a PC side install that I am not ready to alpha/release yet.

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