Sam's Thoughts

Hypocritical National Organization for Marriage tries to co-opt muslim bigotry to…

Hypocritical National Organization for Marriage tries to co-opt muslim bigotry to stop same-sex marriage

I suspect many of the more extremist Christian members of National Organization for Marriage would just as soon see all Muslims eradicated as cooperate with them. However, that isn't stopping NOM from trying to co-opt the corresponding bigotry of many of the more reactionary folks in the Islamic world to try to hurt companies that support same-sex marriage in the US including Starbucks. 

Frankly I'd like to see a list of companies that provide support to NOM so I can avoid doing business with them. 

AUDIO: NOM pledges to make Starbucks “pay” for support of marriage equality
National Organization for Marriage is pledging to continue its efforts to ensure that companies that back same-sex marriage pay a “price” in Middle Eastern countries that are hostile to gay rights.

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