Sam's Thoughts

It's quite remarkable how Republicans have managed to convince so many Americans…

In album September 19, 2012 (1 photo)

It's quite remarkable how Republicans have managed to convince so many Americans to vote against their own best interests

Reshared post from +Tim O’Reilly

Looks like those freeloaders that Romney is talking about are concentrated in Republican-leaning states.  Charitably, you could argue that it's the taxpayers in those states who are most aware of the "freeloaders" in their midst, but I suspect the truth is more that the Republicans have pulled the wool over the eyes of their partisans.  In general, rich states (which pay more of the tax burden) lean liberal, while poor states (which are supported by the rich states) lean conservative.  It's one of those sad paradoxes of modern politics that the people who most depend on government aid have managed to persuade themselves that government is bad for them.

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