Sam's Thoughts

Who says Apple doesn't blog and use social media

With the likes of Jon Gruber and Jim Dalrymple on your side, there's no reason to have an official social media presence. You get all the benefits of what appears to be third parties talking about what you do with none of the risk that they might actually say something completely honest. 

Reshared post from +DeWitt Clinton

"When Schiller unveiled the iPhone 5, it rose from the stage floor on a smoothly-rising and rotating pedestal, pinpoint spotlights hitting the phone and only the phone. The rotation of the iPhone atop the pedestal was in perfect sync with the rotation of the iPhone projected on the big screen at the back of the stage. There’s no store where you buy such pedestals; Apple designed and engineered it specifically for this event. It was on stage for about a minute." -John Gruber

Oh, you have a smoothly rotating pedestal? Tell me again how hard that was to build.  : )

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