Sam's Thoughts

I would urge anyone that lives in Maryland's 10th district to vote out state…

I would urge anyone that lives in Maryland's 10th district to vote out state delegate Emmett C Burns Jr at the next available opportunity. While I fundamentally disagree with Mr Burns strident opposition to marriage equality I totally defend his right to be an ignorant bigot. 

I oppose Mr Burns or anyone else regardless of their political affiliation trying to restrict free speech rights of any person in this country. I was against it when conservatives tried prevent Americans from speaking out against George W Bush last decade and I oppose it when a homophobic politician and baptist minister that happens to be a Democrat tries to get the owner of a football team to silence one of his players. #freespeech  

Politician Demands Ravens To Silence Player Over Gay Marriage Support
If all that Emmert C. Burns Jr. wanted was more attention then he has succeeded. If the Baltimore politician was trying to forward his political beliefs, silence All-Pro NFL linebacker Brendon Ayanbad…

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