Sam's Thoughts

I spent many evenings reading Dr Seuss to my kids when they were young, and loved…

I spent many evenings reading Dr Seuss to my kids when they were young, and loved every minute of it. The silly art and the Ted Giesel's magical words were great.

But all good things eventually need to be updated and the gang at MAD have brought Seuss into the current century.

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Dr. Seuss for the Digital Age
2012 marks the 75th Anniversary of Dr. Seuss’ first book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, which has led many to wonder what the Seuss library would look like if he wrote his books in the present day. Once again, MAD stands years ahead of the pack — in 2008, we updated some of Seuss’ most popular titles to make them relevant to the message-board-trolling miscreants of the YouTube Generation.

From MAD #491, July 2008
Writer: Darren Johnson
Artist: Gary Hallgren

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