Sam's Thoughts

Maybe, just maybe, the rapid response by the internet community will help kill these…

Maybe, just maybe, the rapid response by the internet community will help kill these censorship bills.

Frankly censorship is far more dangerous to society than piracy. Creative works will always be created whether Hollywood executives get rich from it or not. Democratic society cannot withstand censorship.

Reshared post from +Matt Cutts

I just blogged about the progress against SOPA:

"I thought we’d have to wait 20-25 years before a critical mass of people would defend the net. But SOPA has brought that day a lot closer. SOPA galvanized the tech community, from start-ups to venture capitalists to the largest web companies. SOPA was an unexpected shock and a wake-up call. Well, guess what? Now the internet is awake. And I don’t think it’s going back to sleep any time soon."

Read the post for more info, including some simple steps you can take.

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Progress against SOPA
Progress against SOPA. by Matt Cutts on November 21, 2011. in Personal,Web/Net. When I did my blog post about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) last week, things looked quite grim. The fight isn't…

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