Sam's Thoughts

Red Wattle pigs at Tilian Farm

Update I was actually mistaken about the structure of Tilian Farm. Tilian is actually a farming incubator with three different farmers participating including our neighbor Ben Fidler. This article gives a good rundown of the program

This afternoon we went out to Tilian Farm which is run by our next door neighbor, a young farmer just getting started. To help get the farm going, Ben started a CSA (community supported agriculture) in which we bought a half share. CSAs a great way for small farmers to ensure a fair income for their output while the shareholders get plenty of fresh, locally raised food. We've done CSAs before with farmers that grow vegetables and fruit but Tilian Farm has provided us with duck, chicken, goat, goat milk, goat cheese and more. Next month we get our finally batch which will consist of 42 pounds of pork.

Among the pigs we saw at the farm today were about a dozen young red wattles, a very breed that grows quite large. Mature red wattles (named for the fleshy flaps on the sides of the neck) are typically 600-800 pounds while some can grow to 1,200-1,500 pounds and eight feet long.

If you're interested in buying a share for 2012 go to

#tillian_farm #csa #community_supported_agriculture #red_wattles

In album Tillian Farm, November 19, 2011 (47 photos)

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