Sam's Thoughts

America needs to get back to making stuff and this library is helping

In Fayetteville, New Yor, the library is installing a hacker space in a former furniture factory with all kinds of equipment that will allow people learn and build. I particularly applaud the librarian Lauren Smedley for organizing Geek Girl Camps to encourage young girls to get involved. Let's hope more libraries around the country do the same.

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Public library in New York is getting a hacker lab
Librarian Lauren Smedley has a broad vision of what public libraries can be to their patrons, and she's putting that vision to the test with changes at her own, the Fayetteville Free Library in central New York. The library — which is fittingly housed in a former furniture factory — is getting a Fab Lab to encourage makers and hackers, and will include equipment such as a MakerBot, a CNC router, and a laser cutter.
The library's plans include offering free classes such as an introductory cour…

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