Sam's Thoughts

It seems a group of senators have proposed constitutional amendment that would allow…

It seems a group of senators have proposed constitutional amendment that would allow legislatures to limit campaign spending.

Driven by the absolutely disgraceful Citizens United ruling in the US Supreme Court, the idea of corporate "personhood" has reached untenable levels. The proposed amendment seems like a very good first step but we need an amendment that goes even further and completely obliterates this fundamentally flawed idea.

If corporation is going to be granted the privileges and rights of being treated as a person, then it must also be subject to all of the responsibilities and consequences including being subject to criminal prosecution and penalties for violating the law.

Unfortunately, in this age of governance by the Koch brothers and their ilk, the chances of any such amendment passing are almost nonexistent.

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Have we finally reached the tipping point on corporate personhood, and the role of corporations in influencing U.S. elections?
I never got around to mentioning it last week, but Democratic Senators Tom Udall, Michael Bennet, Tom Harkin, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Sh

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