Sam's Thoughts

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the hypocrisy of the US government extends…

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the hypocrisy of the US government extends to "freedom." While the US has always espoused freedom here and abroad, it has long propped up dictators around the world including Mubarak, Suharto, the Saudi Royals, Ferdinand Marcos and so many others.

Even here on home ground, the Hoover-era FBI regularly monitored enemies like JFK and John Lennon. Today, the feds are fighting to require back doors in encryption tools and trying to suppress the spread of information through WikiLeaks and other channels.

Thankfully there are limits to what authorities can achieve even if they do manage to pass new laws because important technology like Truecrypt is already in the wild. Truecrypt like many of the best tools is open source and if used properly, it's virtually impervious to cracking. Use the tools and fight back at the polls by voting against any politician that doesn't support true freedom.

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Glenn Greenwald: A prime aim of the growing Surveillance State
As economic anxiety and social unrest increase, control over Internet technology and communication becomes vital

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