Sam's Thoughts

The Detroit News editorial staff needs to share…

…whatever it is they are smoking. After reading the first few paragraphs of the Detroit News endorsement of John McCain today, it’s clear, their editorial staff is either completely insane or smoking some really good mind altering drugs. After reading the first two paragraphs you might forgiven for thinking the authors were actually proposing a change from the policies of the last eight years. A statement like “Tyrants emboldened by the often heavy-handed and inept foreign policy of the Bush administration have established rogue regimes in every corner of the world to threaten U.S. interests and security” might point to endorsing a candidate who disagreed with that same ineptitude.

Somehow though they have come to the conclusion that the candidate who has voted with those policies over 90 percent of the time is their choice.  One of my personal favorite statements is “The Republican presidential candidate has the character, pragmatism and independence necessary to lead a united America past our poisonous partisan divisions and into a more civil and productive future.” McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin have run one of the most negative and devisive campaigns since the late Lee Atwater got the first Bush into office.

For what it’s worth, the choice of Palin at least gave them pause. However, the choice of such an ill-prepared and unqualified candidate clearly demonstrates that McCain does not have the judgment needed to lead a country.

Fortunately it appears increasingly likely that the American people will demonstrate more sense than the Detroit News editorial board.