Sam's Thoughts

Bush may allow wiretapping review: Specter

So Arlen Specter says that the White House may allow a federal court to look at it’s secret surveillance program? Excuse me, but since when does the executive branch get to dictate what the judicial and legislative branches do? it shouldn’t matter if the Bush likes it or not, both the congress and the judiciary have every right to determine if he is breaking the law and deal with that appropriately. There is no need for the other branches of government to bow to his highness ever!. It doesn’t matter if we are in wartime (and that is a dubious assertion at best), no president is ever allowed to break the law just be feels like it. The oath of office requires him to uphold the constitution and that means letting the other two branches of government to do their duties as well.

Mr. Specter, please either grow some balls and do your job or get out of the way so someone else can. And the same goes for the other 434 members of congress. You all ready to remove an actual properly elected president from office for lying about a blow-job why aren’t willing to do the same to one who has consistently lied to the American public about the reasons for sending 2500 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths.