Sam's Thoughts

The site in the title of this post is not the official site of the Ann Arbor Public Schools. The site design however is a perfect clone of the official site. I found it yesterday on the ann arbor is overrated site. The site was put together by someone who doesn’t agree with the actions of the school board. I don’t live in Ann Arbor but from reading about the chaos surrounding the construction of the new high school, and the district finances in the newspaper I can definitely sympathize with whoever put up the site. I am actually glad we don’t live in the AA district. In spite of getting at least $2000 per student per year more than Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor seems to be in much worse financial shape than Ypsi. They have also completely mishandled the construction of a new high school including being millions of dollars over budget and a year late.

Now they are having a hissy fit over this parody site. They have sent a cease and desist letter to Godaddy the company hosting the site. According to district spokeswoman Liz Margolis the letter claims infringement of the the districts intellectual property. What a pile of horse-shit. This a parody and a protest. Their is no IP to infringe here. Whoever put up the protest site has every right to do so and the district should be focusing on solving there real problems. If they do that, there would be no need for this site. Hey Ann Arbor get over yourself!!!